SDP Verification

The sdp_verify directory contains a largely self-contained implementation of the SDP-FO (first-order SDP verification) algorithm described in Dathathri et al 2020. We encourage projects building off this code to fork this directory, though contributions are also welcome!

The core solver is contained in The main function is dual_fun(verif_instance, dual_vars), which defines the dual upper bound from Equation (5). For any feasible dual_vars this provides a valid bound. It is written amenable to autodiff, such that jax.grad with respect to dual_vars yields a valid subgradient.

We also provide solve_sdp_dual_simple(verif_instance), which implements the optimization loop (SDP-FO). This initializes the dual variables using our proposed scheme, and performs projected subgradient steps.

Both methods accept a SdpDualVerifInstance which specifies (1) the Lagrangian, (2) interval bounds on the primal variables, and (3) dual variable shapes.

As described in the paper, the solver can easily be applied to other input/output specifications or network architectures for any QCQP. This involves defining the corresponding QCQP Lagrangian and creating a SdpDualVerifInstance. In examples/ we include an example for certifying adversarial L_inf robustness of a ReLU convolutional network image classifier.

API Reference

jax_verify.sdp_verify.dual_fun(verif_instance, dual_vars, key=None, n_iter=30, scl=- 1, exact=False, dynamic_unroll=True, include_info=False)[source]

Returns the dual objective value.

  • verif_instance – a utils.SdpDualVerifInstance, the verification problem

  • dual_vars – A list of dual variables at each layer

  • key – PRNGKey passed to Lanczos

  • n_iter – Number of Lanczos iterations to use

  • scl – Inverse temperature in softmax over eigenvalues to smooth optimization problem (if negative treat as hardmax)

  • exact – Whether to use exact eigendecomposition instead of Lanczos

  • dynamic_unroll – bool. Whether to use jax.fori_loop for Lanczos for faster JIT compilation. Default is False.

  • include_info – if True, also return an info dict of various other values computed for the objective


Either a single float, the dual upper bound, or if include_info=True, returns a pair, the dual bound and a dict containing debugging info

jax_verify.sdp_verify.solve_sdp_dual(verif_instance, key=None, opt=None, num_steps=10000, verbose=False, eval_every=1000, use_exact_eig_eval=True, use_exact_eig_train=False, n_iter_lanczos=30, scl=- 1.0, lr_init=0.001, steps_per_anneal=100, anneal_factor=1.0, num_anneals=3, opt_name='adam', gd_momentum=0.9, add_diagnostic_stats=False, opt_multiplier_fn=None, init_dual_vars=None, init_opt_state=None, opt_dual_vars=None, kappa_reg_weight=None, kappa_zero_after=None, device_type=None, save_best_k=1)[source]

Compute verified lower bound via dual of SDP relaxation.

NOTE: This method exposes many hyperparameter options, and the method signature is subject to change. We instead suggest using solve_sdp_dual_simple instead if you need a stable interface.

jax_verify.sdp_verify.solve_sdp_dual_simple(verif_instance, key=None, opt=None, num_steps=10000, eval_every=1000, verbose=False, use_exact_eig_eval=True, use_exact_eig_train=False, n_iter_lanczos=100, kappa_reg_weight=None, kappa_zero_after=None, device_type=None)[source]

Compute verified lower bound via dual of SDP relaxation.

  • verif_instance – a utils.SdpDualVerifInstance

  • key – jax.random.PRNGKey, used for Lanczos

  • opt – an optax.GradientTransformation instance, the optimizer. If None, defaults to Adam with learning rate 1e-3.

  • num_steps – int, the number of outer loop optimization steps

  • eval_every – int, frequency of running evaluation step

  • verbose – bool, enables verbose logging

  • use_exact_eig_eval – bool, whether to use exact eigendecomposition instead of Lanczos when computing evaluation loss

  • use_exact_eig_train – bool, whether to use exact eigendecomposition instead of Lanczos during training

  • n_iter_lanczos – int, number of Lanczos iterations

  • kappa_reg_weight – float, adds a penalty of sum(abs(kappa_{1:N})) to loss, which regularizes kappa_{1:N} towards zero. Default None is disabled.

  • kappa_zero_after – int, clamps kappa_{1:N} to zero after kappa_zero_after steps. Default None is disabled.

  • device_type – string, used to clamp to a particular hardware device. Default None uses JAX default device placement


A pair. The first element is a float, the final dual loss, which forms a valid upper bound on the objective specified by verif_instance. The second element is a dict containing various debug info.

class jax_verify.sdp_verify.SdpDualVerifInstance(bounds, make_inner_lagrangian, dual_shapes, dual_types)[source]

A namedtuple specifying a verification instance for the dual SDP solver.

  • bounds: A list of bounds on post-activations at each layer

  • make_inner_lagrangian: A function which takes dual_vars as input, and returns another function, the inner lagrangian, which evaluates Lagrangian(x, dual_vars) for any value x (the set of activations).

  • dual_types: A pytree matching dual_vars specifying which dual_vars should be non-negative.

  • dual_shapes: A pytree matching dual_vars specifying shape of each var.